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Protect Wickenburg

Upcoming Town Council Meeting 6/17/19

Updated: Jul 2, 2019

The Wickenburg Town Council will be meeting on Monday June 17, 2019. There are several items on the agenda, but the most important one to us is Resolution 2229. This resolution pushes the connector point on Hwy 93 back approximately 5 miles from the current ADOT Draft Tier 1 and from the entrance of Vista Royale.

A Portion of the Town of Wickenburg's Resolution #2229

Below is a map showing the ADOT Draft Tier 1 study, the VR Green Alternative, and the Town of Wickenburg's Resolution 2229 in magenta.

As you can see in resolution 2229, the Town of Wickenburg is recommending pushing the connector point on Hwy 93 back approximately 5 miles. Although a few would argue that this is still not far enough away. This is much better than the current ADOT (blue & orange) routes, and I think at this point we need to be grateful for whatever support we can get from the Town of Wickenburg. This is just another milestone (no pun intended), in our overall goal of keeping I-11 away from Vista Royale. We will also need to continue to keep the pressure on ADOT until the July 8 deadline.

If you can attend the Town Council meeting, and let the Town Council know that you support Resolution 2229 that would be great. If you are out of town, (as I know many Vista Royale residents are), please click on the link above and email and/or call the town council members, and let them know that you support this resolution.

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